Thursday, March 3, 2011

Civil Rights Movement : (

I am very upset and outraged every time I hear think or see the civil rights movement. It's sad that blacks were treated the way they were. I really dont have any questions about the movement besides why black people .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

TV Shows : )

The Real Housewives Of Atlanta!
I love this show ! Every time I wqatch this show, my eyes are glues to the t.v.
My favorite person on the show is NeNe because she reminds me of myself.

Money DOES Fall From Trees!

I am very spoiled ! My mom gets me just about anything I want . Sometimes I think money is everything. I know deep down in side that money does not make a person. I love money over anything after family. Without money I feel like a peice of me is missing.

A Little About Me

My name is Dyamond, Its pronounced Diamond but my mom wanted to be different. I was born on October 5th. I like shopping , texting when my phone isnt taken, singing , laughing and dancing alot. I enjoy alot of time with my little sister and my friends. Most of the time I am kind of wishy-washy and alot of people call me mean , but I just am honest and say things that people dont want to hear. I am open to making new friend sbut I dont really trsut more than a handful of people.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Time flies !

It seems like just the other day when I was at recess , waiting for my teeth to fall out , to wear makeup, big earrings and all that kind of  stuff. I just can't believe that school is about to be over. ( Well grade school ) Freshman year went by so fast and I am so amazed at how fast I grew up. The sad part is , I realize that I'm growing up but, my mom is not ready for it. I know it's hard to see your little girl grow up but, time doesn't wait for anybody. When I have kids I will constantly tell them to enjoy their childhood because it will FLY.


I know alot of people that say " Tomorrow is NOT promised." Well, I had to learn the hard way. When I watch the news and hear about shootings, suicide being commited and etc., I never thought I would know anybody involved in those things. I never really had to deal with death until 2009.Around Christmas toime in 2009,  my great-grandmother passed. I never really stressed me developing a relationship with her and I often took time for granted. She lived in California and I was very selfish by not writing ehr once or even visiting her. I feel guilty everyday about my decisions. I never know who's next , a friend or a family member . That's why after I finish talking to someone I let my love for them be known. My life based on the quote "Never take a person for granted, hold every person close to your heart because one day you might wake up and realize that you've lost a diamond while you were too busy trying to collect the stones. "

Friday, February 4, 2011

Without Music : (

Music is one of the things I love the most besides texting and food. It's like my own little therapy. I do not know what I would do without music. I am going through ALOT and music is like therapy. Sometimes I just want to break down and cry. I can just listen to music and release all my problems. If it wasn't for music , I dont know how I would  solve my problems.

L o V e

Most of the time, my Valentine's Day is sent with either my mom or friends. This year ,things are different.  I am dating a boy that I am really interested in. It feels weird to say this., and  I know its no such thing as "In love" at this age but its somewhere near it. Most of the time, I do not take boys serious. I can only wish myself the best.  I am not the type of girl who thinks you need a boy. I believe you are better without a boy because they are where MOST of your problems start. I know that I am not right about most things when it comes to relationships simply because of my age. This is the first boy that I am trying to save and I hope that I dont mess this up.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Def Jam Poetry - Jamie Foxx

This is my second favorite example of def poetry. Jamie Foxx is one of my favorite comedian's besides Dave Chappelle.

Dave Chappelle - F*ck Ashton Kutcher (Def Poetry Jam)

This video has innapropriate language however, this is my favorite example od def poetry. One reason I like this is because Dave Chappelle is a worldwide comedian. The way he talks and his body language is enough for this example to be my favorite.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Road Not Taken

The road of drama is very frustrating! It has many ups,downs,tosses,turns and bumps. On the firt day of school , you have a choice of  what kind of people you want to hang around. I can't really remember why I always had alot of friends and trusted alot of people.I am very popular and sometimes being popular isnt always good.Unfortunately my life is revolved around alot of drama. Now I am going to make a trip down the road with no drama and real friends who are trustworthy. This road has fresh white lines and no ditches or speed bumps. I think this U-turned should have been made a long long time ago!